May 2024 Prayer letter

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May 2024 Prayer letter

May 4, 2024

Then He said to them,
“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19

Dear Family and Friends,

I can’t thank you all enough for the outpouring of love, prayers and financial support for Avivamiento Amazonica! Your generous donations have completely covered the cost of the new boat, the motor and the trailer. I know God’s hand is guiding our boat trips to remote river locations because your prayers have protected our journeys.

Here’s what is happening in the jungles of Peru.

The new boat has enabled us to visit several remote villages for five days in March. Ed Brauer and I traveled half way up the River Cahuapanas, which ends at the foothills of the Andes Mountains. We were thankful to have been able to visit four villages in the Cahuapanas area. It is considered a medium sized village with a population of 600, witch includes eleven communities. The indigenous groups are mostly Shawi, Awajún, and Mestizo.

We were thankful to have shown the Jesus film in Santa Maria and three other communities. The people were so excited about our visit and we were equally happy to be with them. It was a joy to encourage our brothers in Christ in their walk with the Lord and to pray for their needs. Many of the pastors and elders we met in the villages have attended our annual conference. Praise the Lord. Although, it was sad to hear they had not been visited by any other missionaries for a very long time. We were able to depart on a high note by breaking bread with our brothers and giving them several edifying units (Audio Bilbles) in the Awajun and Shawi languages.

The next river trip is planned for May.  Julio Caesar, my missionary partner from MEPI and a few other men will accompany me. We will be traveling up the River Morona, a tributary of the River Marañon by peki-peki. We will plan on spending up to five days blessing the people there.

Later in May, Julio will travel part of Cahuapanas area to encourage the pastors and leaders he will visit.

Thank you again for your prayers for our travels into the jungles of Peru.

Praising God daily,

Ed Brauer shares his experience “on the river”
God’s grace brought together a team to venture out on the maiden voyage of the Avivamiento Amazonica, our new river boat. It will enable us to reach the remote tribal villages surrounding San Lorenzo.

This trip took us on a tributary north of San Lorenzo on the River Cahuapanas. This waterway is where many of the Shawi tribe have their villages. Our first stop was at a village called Barranquita. We were able to meet with the assistant pastor, Jugo and his wife Adita and other believers from their fellowship.
     The next day we continued up river to set up camp in the settlement of Santa Maria. Here we met Pastor Fabian, who ministers to the Shawi and Wampi tribes. We were happy to bring encouragement and to personally invite those who may attend the pastors conference in October. Due to the water levels being low at this time of the year it prohibited us from using the Avivaminto Amizonica, until the rains increased the levels. Praise the Lord, the rains came that evening and the river rose seven feet!
     Next morning our travels brought us to the smallest village, Enauga. Reaching this village would require us to use a small canoe with a peki peki motor. After traveling twenty minutes, we docked, then hiked half a mile. We were welcomed with gracious hospitality and a prepared luncheon of roasted duck. It was the first village where we had the opportunity of sharing our common faith with the brethren. 
      At our next stop, we shared the hope we have in Christ. We exhorted  them to share this with their village membership. We planted seeds and our God will water them.
     The final village, Inchi Yacu, we were to discover that it was a one and a half mile hike through the jungle to reach it from the river. It was quite a beautiful hike, except that the temperature was 94 degrees with 87 percent humidity. Early that evening we communicated the greatest gift of love. This was just prior to showing “the JESUS film”. Afterward we offered the invitation to unbelievers to come to Christ. 
     Many of the tribal brethren requested that we would return to their villages for visitation and fellowship, calling the lost to faith in Christ. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:47
     It was a glorious opportunity to share faith, hope and love with both the faithful and the unbelieving. These indigenous people  are the original homesteaders of Peru. Please be encouraged to pray for the tribes we encountered here, for they are praying for you. ~ Ed


* Please pray that the paperwork for boat will go smoothly, with regards to the legal registration. It seems to be progressing, but very very slow.

* Please continue to keep Sarai (Julio Caesar’s daughter) and her family in prayer as they go through this difficult time since Sarai was diagnosed with Lupus.  Pray for her healing and the funds they will need to travel from San Lorenzo, where they love to Lima for medical treatment.

*Please pray for three upcoming trips. Pray that the plans and the travel will be in God’s hands and our work will be all to His Glory. 

*Please pray for our annual conference and workshops planned for October. The preparations are already underway.

*Please pray that the financial needs to cover the conference and workshops will be met.
There will be instruction in: outboard motor repair, chain saw repair and beginner clothing construction.
Materials and supplies needed include:
~tools for outboard motor repair
~tools for chain saw repair
~6 sewing machines
~hiring the interpreters
~hiring workshop instructors
~travel expenses
~food for participants
~hiring cooks
~overnight arrangements

The LORD will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, togive the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. Deuteronomy 28:12 

Be assured that your support, love and prayers for this ministry will be used to reach the indigenous lost. We pray that you will be blessed by helping us reach so many of the indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon Region.  Thank you for partnering with Avivamiento Amazonica South America (Renewal in the Amazon)

~Ways to Partner with the Lord’s work in Peru~
Short term mission trip
Prayer support
Financial support