January 2021 Prayer Letter
March 31, 2021
Dear Friends and Family,
“Oh sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory”
Psalm 98:1
Happy New Year Greetings. As we begin another year, I wanted to take this opportunity to to say Thank You. Thank you for your love and support over this past year. Thank you for your special Christmas messages and gifts. It really means a lot to me hearing from you individually and collectively. Muchas gracias, thanks to all, abrasos y besos (hugs and kisses). I’m feeling very LOVED. I also received 4 new pairs of reading glasses that were sent from a friend in Pennsylvania to a friend in Colorado who traveled there for the holidays, then returned to Peru with the glasses. PTL
The lock-downs in the city of Iquitos have lifted. Although, we still have an evening curfew from 11PM to 4AM. Most establishments are open. Travel restrictions in Lima went to red until February 15. Masks are required in public places.
Pictured above: Out celebrating my birthday with the Mahon family from England. They are a missionary family living in Iquitos. Please enjoy the special song and dance video that was performed for my birthday.
Click Here For My Birthday Song!!
I am back to good health. Walking a little straighter and dancing in the streets. Ha Ha. I have found a great chiropractor in Iquitos. Thanks for your prayers.
Looking forward with anticipation to see what the Lord has for the ministry in 2021. February 3, I will be flying to San Lorenzo for two weeks. From there our group will be traveling to Rio Pastaza which is a six hour boat ride. We were invited to participate in a three days mini meeting (conference). Please pray for the Lord’s leading.
“Wherever you are, Be all there.
Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”~Jim Elliot
As the Lord leads, pray with us….
*PRAISE for my good health
*Pray for safe travel to San Lorenzo ~Rio Pastaza
*Pray for HIS Spirit to lead each step of this New Year
*PRAISE for all my family and friends who faithfully support the work of Avivamiento Amazonica.
~Ways to Partner with the Lord’s work in Peru~