June 2018 Prayer Letter
June 20, 2018
“Among the trees of the forest.” Ezekiel 15:2
All is well!
As I continue to work with the people of Peru, I am blessed to have this opportunity to love the people here along with God. His desires are to see good fruit of those who are part of His vine and it is my privilege to be used by God to help make that happen.I recently just got back from a trip to Estrajo and had a very productive trip. The brothers were very happy and excited to have me return so soon. I did a lot of teaching with my focus on Galatians Chapters 3-4-5, “Superiority of the gospel” and “Freedom in Christ” and 2Timothy 3. I was able to give Enrique some other literature books for his studies. I hope to go again soon, so that I can start to teach him how to use the study bibles, etc.The weather has been good here over the last couple of weeks, but not without bugs, I must remember to use bug spay. I am thankful for my new place of residence right out of the city, which I am familiar with since I had lived there once before. It is very comfortable, although the water here is not very good and there is no wifi, for now. I do have some neighbors, which I am praying for an opportunity to share the good news to them.PRAISE: My new laptop finally arrived! Now I just need some people to help me load whatever needs loading. You know me, I not very techy.Thanks again for your partnership with Renewal Along the Amazon!
I love and miss you all!!
CLICK HERE to see the June slideshow
Prayer Requests:

Pray for God’s Guidance
Pray for refreshment
Pray that the water here will be drinkable
Pray that I will be able to get wifi at my apt.
Pray for the salvation of my neighbors
Pray for open doors
Pray for the future ministry on the River Puta Maya
Pray that the Holy Spirit will transform lives
Pray for my health
Pray for the orphanage that they will be provided for
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